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The Research For Life Forum is where Research For Life (Wellington Medical Research Foundation) gives medical and biomedical researchers a helping hand.

The primary way we do this is through providing researchers, in the Wellington region, with networking opportunities and connectivity, especially with other medical researchers, academics and medical professionals.

Above all, we're helping researchers to share their stories and these can be academic in nature or for public consumption.

In addition, the Research For Life Forum will facilitate events where researchers can meet for information sharing or to hear from interesting speakers. On occasion too, researchers are asked to speak at public events, especially to people who are supporting Research For Life through donations or support in other ways.

Research For Life Mission

Supporting innovative quality research with a focus on funding those researchers in the early stages of their careers who, through their work, will advance the quality of healthcare in the Wellington region and beyond.


Medical research is identified by the United Nations as one of the three critical missions for humanity in every country and region because it consistently advances the health, education and wellbeing of citizens.

By working with Research For Life on some significant health problems, you help us to make it possible for people to live healthier, longer and more fulfilling lives.

Please Donate Today





Research For Life ambitions

  1. To double the funds Research For Life annually makes available, to medical and biomedical research.
  2. For Wellington to build on strong foundations and become a recognised global leader in medical and biomedical research.
  3. For Wellington’s medical and biomedical research to be a jewel-in-the-crown, within a booming technology and science community of thriving businesses and institutions.
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